Kaleidoscope, the school

Preschool and Primary

Kaleidoscope École Bilingue is a bilingual French-English preschool and primary school that welcomes from the Petite Section (age 3) to the CM2 (aged 11).

Wednesdays and School Holidays

Kaleidoscope École Bilingue also opens its doors every Wednesday and during school holidays to introduce children or to improve their level in English or French.

Well Located

Kaleidoscope École Bilingue is located in the west of Toulouse, in Plaisance du touch ideally placed at the heart of the aeronautical district, between Colomiers, Salvetat-Saint-Gilles, Pibrac, Tournefeuille and Plaisance-du-Touch.


In accordance with L’Education Nationale
Kaleidoscope École Bilingue’s teaching program conforms entirely with that dictated by L’Education Nationale and the EYF (Early Years Foundations-UK).
“Very Satisfactory” Award from the Academy Inspection
Down to the quality of our teaching method, Kaleidoscope École Bilingue received a very good report published by L’Education Nationale during an audit carried out in June 2019.


Here the children learn English or French in a playful way, through music, play, sports and craft.
The program is designed to keep pace with children and focuses on play, independence and confidence. Classes encourage oral language and communication/interaction with other children whilst having fun. We use songs, music, games and stories to encourage children to express themselves and take part in activities.


As with our Wednesday club we open our doors during the school holidays to offer English and French courses for children from 3 to 8 years old. Programs are for 1 week, with a playful and participative approach, your child will learn very quickly to recognise words, phrases and numbers. We have designed a specific program to enable your child to learn English or French in a fun and interesting way. This program will teach the students, the skills required for reading and writing, essential for the program from CP onwards. The acquisition of language is dealt with in its entirety and in a structured way, in order to allow children to appropriate this essential aspect of learning English or French. Each week, new topics are tackled to stimulate children’s interest and encourage understanding and speaking in English or French.

Parents Testimonials

Une école de rêve qui permet aux enfants de s’épanouir totalement. 4 ans de scolarité pour Valentino…..4 ans de Bonheur pour lui et pour nous Bienveillance, respect de l’enfant avec ses différences, enseignement haut de gamme, activités multiples et variées…. Un sans faute
Our experience with Kaleidoscope has been very rewarding. Being from the US, and not really knowing what to expect when it came to the education of our two kids while here in France, we were very optimistic as to how our children would adjust.We met Chris and Sandrine at the new Kaleidoscope building, and they were very informative and helpful in making the transition very smooth for us. Our daughter has excelled in her French class. Her teacher Laëtitia has been very impressed with her ability to grasp the language as quickly as she has. Our son Jeremiah is still adjusting to his new school environment, but the teachers have been so patient with him. He also has some medical conditions that require attention, and the staff has been hands on when the time for treatment arises. If you are looking for a bilingual education for your children, in a safe and family-friendly environment, we highly recommend Kaleidoscope Bilingual Ecole.
尽管刚入学时他只有两岁半,并且听不懂 英语和法语,但是他每天都很开心,很享受在学校的时间。一年来,我们很骄傲地看到 他不断的进步,看到他从一个只会粘妈妈的小宝宝逐渐成长为一个有自己的朋友,自己 喜欢的老师的开朗活泼的小男孩。 Although he was only 2 years and half at that time, and he spoke neither English nor French, Jize has always been happy to go to school. We see that he has fun here and enjoys his school time. We are so proud to see that he is making progress everyday, and that he grows up from a baby to a happy little boy who wants to meet his friends and favorite teachers.