06 51 13 25 42
06 03 04 93 47
14 rue Isaac Newton 31830 PLAISANCE-DU-TOUCH

Extending our “family spirit

The transition to secondary school is an important stage in the life of a teenager. To facilitate this new adventure, the management of Collège Notre-Dame le Clos Fleuri, concerned as we are about the well-being of our students, is very attentive to the “wishes” expressed by young people to be together in the same classes.


Why Collège Notre-Dame le Clos Fleuri?

We are very committed to the quality and results of our teaching methods. The students we support benefit from a rich and atypical educational pathway that has proved its worth, and continues to attract a growing number of families.

Our aim is to enable our students to continue their education in the same excellent conditions.

Notre Dame le Clos Fleuri is a private school of the highest standard. Located in L’Isle Jourdain, this human-scale school shares our founding values:

  • Welcoming and respecting all without distinction
  • Teaching methods adapted to today’s generations
  • Support for students in the development of their personal projects
  • Development of each individual’s personality
  • Quality of relationships and communication
  • Cultural and artistic openness to Europe and the world

In 2022, 78 out of 80 candidates passed the DNB with honours.


Find out more and view the full presentation

The program


Recherches populaires : Preschool, Primary, Wednesdays and School Holidays